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Friday, February 6, 2015

SciFinder Future Leaders in Chemistry Program -- Opportunity

We are delighted to announce the 2015 SciFinder Future Leaders in Chemistry program. One of your Ph.D. students or postdoctoral researchers could be selected to help shape the future of chemical information!

During an all-expense-paid trip this August 10-20, participants get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at SciFinder and see first-hand how CAS builds and maintains the most authoritative chemistry databases in the world. Participants also:
They will also travel to Boston, MA to attend the 250th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, "a platform to present, publish, discuss and exhibit the most exciting research discoveries and technologies in chemistry and its related disciplines."

We encourage you and colleagues from your chemistry and related science departments to identify Ph.D. students and postdocs to apply for this unique opportunity. To request promotional materials, including flyers, posters and postcards, click here or email futureleaders@cas.org.

Eligible applicants should apply at www.cas.org/futureleaders by Sunday, April 5, 2015.

We look forward to meeting your future leaders in chemistry!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

With less than 4 days left in Week 1 of the free 8-week Knovel Academic Challenge, it is not too late for students to play and submit their answers. Please note that registration remains open throughout the 8 weeks, allowing students and faculty to enroll at any time! 
As of today, February 5 -- across 400+ institutions from 50+ countries -- there are over 1,150 people competing head to head for points and prizes while solving real-life engineering problem sets. While students are playing, they are exploring Knovel's interactive content and becoming familiar with engineering best practices. 
How it works
Each Monday at 12:00:00 AM PDT, a new problem set will be posted, and students will have until the following Sunday at 11:59:59 PM PDT to submit their answers. Stay tuned each week for the weekly winner along with the prior week's problem set solution. Grand prize winners will be announced at the end of the 8 weeks.
Tracking Student Engagement
Whether you are using the The Challenge as extra credit or a required assignment, all registered instructors are able to track their students' progress from the My Students' Summary dashboard from within the Challenge site. This data can also be exported into Excel and manipulated as needed. Instructors must be registered and logged in to view the dashboard.
Contact Us.
Please email us at knovelac@elsevier.com with any questions about The Challenge or how to use Knovel.